This WordPress Plugin May Have Exposed Websites To Hacks
Is your company's website built around WordPress? It wouldn't be much of a surprise if that were the case. 24As the most popular platform on the web, there are tens of millions ...
This Malware Might Be Undetectable To Some Antivirus Programs
For a time, a few months ago, it seemed like the gang behind the dreaded Trickbot network and malware was on the ropes. Law enforcement had rocked the group back on its ...
Some MacBook Pros May Have Battery Charging Issue
Do you own a MacBook Pro, purchased between 2016 and 2017? Has the battery been acting up and refusing to hold a charge beyond 1 percent? If you've ruled out issues with ...
Update To Popular Android App Included Malware Infection
Do you use the popular Android app, "Barcode Scanner?" If so, you're certainly not alone. The app has racked up more than 10 million downloads on Google's Play Store and is one ...
Data Breach Victims Get More Spam And Phishing Emails
Do you feel as though you get a lot of spam mail? If so, you should know that you actually get almost a hundred times more than what you think you're getting. ...
New Security Vulnerability Affects Current Mac OS Users
Not long ago, a critical flaw in Linux SUDO was discovered and is being tracked as CVE-2021-3156. Given the nickname "Baron Samedit," it's a flaw in a Unix program that allows system ...
Staying Up To Date On Software Patches Is Critical
Google's Project Zero security team has an impressive track record when it comes to chasing down and addressing the most critical security flaws found. They're tireless in their work, which has saved ...
Music Searches On Google Desktop Got A Helpful Update
These days, smart devices seem to get the lion's share of developer time and attention, but Google has recently made a few changes to their desktop search that have made entries easier ...
With New Update iPhone Adds iMessage Security Feature
Do you have a favorite app you use for chatting or for keeping in touch with family and friends? Most people have a go-to app that serves as their first choice, and ...
Identity Thefts Had Huge Surge in 2020
Trends come and go in the hacking world. A few years ago, stealing credit card numbers was the crime of choice for most of the hackers out there. They've since begin to ...